Bridal Bouquet Peach


Peach Bridal Bouquet

Peach Bridal bouquet included soft shade of ivory and peach with white.

Brides have long favored blush color palettes for their spring and summer weddings. While it’s an easy choice for warm-weather nuptials, contemporary brides may prefer a more modern take on the classic color. Enter: peach! This pretty pink shade filled with vibrant orange tones feels sophisticated, romantic, soft, and spring-like. From classic, formal weddings to rustic, seaside, or garden affairs, a peach-toned day is fresh yet stylish.

The best part about the shade? It effortlessly complements the season’s other popular colors: from pale mint to sunflower yellow, peach is a neutral tone that pairs with any bold shade beautifully.

Bridal Bouquet Peach – make your special event even more special with something unique! A  Peach and cream colour scheme can really make your day stand out, looks gorgeous both in person and on photographs and can really be a talking point.

Please contact us to discuss availability and dates so we can make sure to have everything you want ready for your special day.

Have you seen our Instagram page? If you’re looking for some ideas or just want to see some of our flowers and bouquet options, it’s a great starting point. You can also take a look at our Facebook page – we  update both regularly!

We have done wedding flowers for
Soljans Estate Winery

Markovina Vineyard Estate
Allely Estate
The Hunting Lodge Winery & Restaurant
Settlers Country Manor
Puketutu Island Estate
Abbeville Estate
McGrath Estate

We have done wedding flowers for
Soljans Estate Winery

Markovina Vineyard Estate
Allely Estate
The Hunting Lodge Winery & Restaurant
Settlers Country Manor
Puketutu Island Estate
Abbeville Estate
McGrath Estate
Glass house
St. Matthew’s
Tabula Rasa
Tui Hills
Connemara Country Lodge
The Hunting Lodge
Kauri Bay Boomrock
Luxerose Secret Garden
Rydges Formosa Golf Resort

Kumeu valley state

bloom weddings

Song bird retreat

Eagle ridge

Deer valley state

Auckland wedding

wedding flowers nz

Type of wrapping

Product price: $299.00
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I am currently out of the country so we won't be able to fulfill any new orders until the 31st January.