Bright Full in Vox


Bright full Bouquet

Enhance your gesture of love and care with these vibrant and beautiful flowers. They are sure to bring immense joy and happiness to your loved one’s day. These bright flowers are thoughtfully packed in a decorative box along with flower food to ensure their freshness for longer.

We also offer a variety of colours options to personalise your gift.
Simply mention your preferred colour in the message note.






Auckland florist near me

Kumeu florist

Waitakere florist

Hobsonville florist

Helensville florist

waimauku florist


Type of message card

A small card

Add a sweet treat?


Includes additional stems
Includes a premium bow, even more stems and a vox container


Product price: $94.00
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Shop Temporarily Unavailable

I am currently out of the country so we won't be able to fulfill any new orders until the 31st January.