Cheerful Polka


Polka Flowers Bouquet

Lovely idea! It is how to make someone happy and cheerful !!
A colorful polka arrangement in a bag can indeed brighten up her/his day. However, it’s important to note that flowers are subject to seasonal availability, and sometimes substitutions may be necessary. The florist will ensure to substitute with a similar flower that matches the shape, style, and color of your chosen arrangement. Stem count, packaging, and container may also vary slightly. Nevertheless, the result will still be a beautiful and vibrant arrangement to bring some cheer to your love one.

100% Job guarantee.


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Type of message card

A small card

Add a sweet treat?


Includes additional stems
Includes a premium bow, even more stems and a vox container


Product price: $79.50
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Shop Temporarily Unavailable

I am currently out of the country so we won't be able to fulfill any new orders until the 31st January.